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24 WORKS ON PAPER - 1st draft-02.jpg

24 Works on Paper

Screenshot 2023-11-19 at

Art Focus Magazine

Artist Opportunities

Gallery Talk 1.jpeg

Artist Member

Elizabeth developed her curiosity with mixed media art when she was young, always inspired by nature and encouraged by her grandmother to create with her hands. Although she have no formal training, Elizabeth has learned many techniques and processes that she uses to create her designs, and style. She prefers working with fabrics that she gas dyed and printed with plants and flowers, including sun(cyanotype) prints and painted block prints. The slow and meditative process of hand stitching adds texture and color to Elizabeth's art quilts. My work tells a story of joy found in the beauty of nature, life, and imagination through fabric, color, and, stitch. Elizabeth is involved with the Mentorship Program at ARTSPACE At Untitled, teaching and sharing what she has learned in her lifetime of curiosity and play with fabric and stitch.


Art Focus 

Art Focus is a bimonthly publication of the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition dedicated to providing insight in the visual arts in Oklahoma by providing artist profiles, gallery and museum previews and reviews, art commentary, essays relevant to artist success, and more. 

Our members make up a diverse community of artists and enthusiasts, all with the common goal of enriching our state through visual art. Join now and receive exclusive member benefits such as a page in our artist gallery, access to our photo studio, submissions to OVAC-sponsored exhibitions, and more. 


The annual 12×12 Art Fundraiser fuses 175 of Oklahoma’s finest artists with local food and live entertainment to create a memorable one-night-only art event!

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