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The Artist Survival Kit (ASK) offers professional development for Oklahoma artists. Through Workshops, Office Hours, and Artist Forums, ASK provides artists with the necessary information to succeed in their careers and build a sense of community among diverse artists from across the state.


The ASK Workshop series addresses marketing, technology, and organizational skills artists need to thrive. This ongoing series of events promote professionalism and is structured as a helpful forum for Oklahoma artists.

Upcoming Workshops

If you are interested in leading an ASK event, email

ASK Workshop: Exhibition Ready

Date: TBD


Free to the Public

Artist Forums

The Artist Forums series offers a chance for artists to connect with one another and share resources- we learn the most from each other. Each Forum is centered around a topic important to Oklahoma artists and led by either OVAC staff or individuals from the community.

Upcoming Artist Forums

Office Hours

The Office Hours series offers the opportunity for Oklahoma artists to meet with a subject matter expert at a reduced rate. OVAC secures an expert in a field beneficial to artists and offers one-on-one sessions by appointment.

Upcoming Office Hours

Check back later for information about our next forum!

More Office Hours opportunities coming soon!

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