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Get Involved

Join as a Member

As an OVAC Member, you will have access to a wide range of benefits that will help you as an artist, an enthusiast, or both! Click here to learn more. 


For 34 years, the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition has supported Oklahoma artists, transforming the arts community in our state—a feat we couldn't have done without our patrons! As 2022 comes to a close, we celebrate another year of impacting the arts in our state and our state's artists. As we begin 2023, your support will ensure OVAC will continue to grow and develop Oklahoma's visual arts community. 

With your help we look forward to many more years of dynamic support for artists! 

Become a Collector

Join OVAC at the Collector Level and enroll in the Community Supported Art (CSA) Program. Get connected with local artists and art, develop relationships, and support artists’ careers for a more vibrant community in Oklahoma. Through this annual membership program, you will discover new artists and disciplines, while also learning about their practices.

Annual enrollment includes 1 original piece of art by an Oklahoma artist, admission for you and a guest to two CSA launch events, 2 tickets to 12X12 Art Fundraiser, and all of the benefits at the Patron Member level.


Current Opportunity: Momentum offers emerging artists a platform to create, display, and sell their artwork in a professional exhibition. Through this experience, past artists have made connections to new audiences and propelled their artistic careers. In 2023, we will showcase two Curators, 38 General Survey artists, and three Spotlight Artists using a wide range of media including, painting, printmaking, sculpture, video, and more.​ The generous support of our sponsors allows us to continue this important work.


Learn more here!


Volunteers are vital to the success of Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition’s many programs and events. Volunteering is a great way to meet other members of the art community and to enhance your cultural life. Plus, volunteers receive one free ticket to the event they help with!

Check Out our Facebook page for Volunteer Opportunities

Join a Committee

Committee members create and carry out the visions for Momentum, Tulsa Art Studio Tour, and 12x12. They come from a diverse background of skill sets in art, marketing, business, and more. Serving on a committee provides the opportunity to build relationships in the community, enhance leadership skills, and bring OVAC’s major events to life from behind the scenes. If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact

Give us feedback!

We want to hear from you! Submit your comments, suggestions, or questions here. 

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