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The Concept exhibition presents an evocative investigation of contemporary artists in Oklahoma, along with a regional artist exchange. 

The Event

Through this triennial exhibition, audiences can investigate current art in Oklahoma.

Concept has two different exhibition components consisting of work that was competitively selected by guest curator, Heather Pesanti. The Survey component exhibited 27 pieces from 27 visual artists from all over Oklahoma. The Focus component spotlights eight artists who received funding and guidance to pursue ambitious, original projects that will be exhibited for the first time through Concept.

Participating artists are encouraged to lead educational opportunities engaging the public through programs such as workshops, lectures, discussion, critiques, tours, online forums, and other creative ideas.


Concept at ahha in Tulsa 

February 7, 2020 - March 22, 2020

Concept at Harvester Arts in Kansas 

September 4, 2020 - October 16, 2020.


2020 Curator


Click here to view more focus artist videos.


Concept offers more than $15,000 in artist awards. Of this, $3,000 in awards will be given in the Survey exhibition.


An honorarium of $1,500 each will be given to up to four Focus artists from each city (8 total) who will also receive travel assistance for an exchange exhibition between Tulsa and Wichita.

The exhibition will be documented with a catalog in which all accepted artists will be included. Each artist will receive three copies of the catalog.


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