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Submit to Art Focus

The Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition supports visual artists living and working in Oklahoma and promotes public interest and understanding of the arts. OVAC achieves its mission through grants, publications and exhibits. OVAC’s major publication is the bi-monthly magazine, Art Focus Oklahoma.


Art Focus Oklahoma profiles Oklahoma artists, reviews and previews gallery and museum shows in Oklahoma, and publishes art commentary, cartoons and essays relevant to how to succeed as an artist.

Contributing Writers
To become a contributing writer for Art Focus Oklahoma, please review the Writer’s Guidelines. For further information, please contact the editor or 405-879-2400. New contributors must be approved by the editor before submissions will be accepted.

Submit a Story Idea
Magazine content is planned 3-4 months in advance of publication. If you have a story that you’d like to see featured in Art Focus Oklahoma, please email a press release or other information to the editor for consideration at at least 4 months in advance of the issue you’d like it included in. Be sure to also submit your upcoming exhibitions and events to our calendar using this form.

Gallery Guide
The Gallery Guide section in Art Focus Oklahoma features listings of upcoming special exhibitions in Oklahoma museums and galleries. Exhibition information must be submitted to our online calendar at least 6 weeks in advance of publication in order to be included. To be included, venues must meet the following criteria:

  • Has changing exhibitions of visual art

  • Exhibitions remain on display for entire run of the exhibition (works are not sold directly off the wall and replaced)

  • Open to other artists submitting to exhibit (not a single artist’s gallery or closed co-op)

  • Maintains regular business hours

  • Primary purpose is exhibitions open to the public

  • Listing must include information about a special exhibit (listings with only name of gallery, address and contact info will not be included)

Gallery Guide submissions can include images of artwork to be considered for publication. Artwork images should be at least 300 dpi and must include artist name, artwork title, media and dimensions.

Submit your Gallery Guide information to our calendar using this form.

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