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After all, who bothers getting a little joy in their life?

Artist Statement

My collection is just an attempt to revive the way I felt and saw the world as a child and revisit the childlike joy of being surprised. When I was a kid, I loved to paint with pencil on paper and with oil paint on canvas, but I was not satisfied with the result, because I saw that my work lacked the color and brightness that every child appreciates in life, which diminished my excitement when painting, especially since my teachers expected me to make an exact, rigid reproduction of the reference model I was trying to copy. Today, as an adult, I try to rebelliously compensate for that darkness and formality, as well as that lack of brilliance, warmth and joy that the world steals from most adults throughout life, among so many problems, complications and obligations that we must face every day, painting my artworks with colorful acrylic medium on canvas, in a carefree, whimsical, almost childish way. There is a world out there that is really full of color, just waiting for our senses to appreciate it with joy and in an optimistic and positive way, although this may not be easy to achieve. It is enough that we open our eyes and the rest of our senses, and appreciate how everything we see boring and lacking in color is actually the world we live in, our culture, everything that surrounds us. What I expect from the public that admires my works, which in no way pretend to be presumptuous, is that they also open their senses, and appreciate the world in front of them, in the same way as I do. After all, who bothers getting a little joy in their life?

Artist Bio

Oscar is a self-taught Venezuelan-American modern painter, born in Caracas, Venezuela. At the age of 23 he obtained a Bachelor of Industrial Management at Andres Bello Catholic University and spent many years practicing his profession, working as a Manager in different companies, in the industrial sector.


In 2017, due to the complicated socio-political situation that his native country has been going through for several years, he decided to emigrate together with his family to the United States, and he made Norman OK their home since then.


Despite the fact that Oscar has loved the lifestyle of this country since he was young, he felt that from his arriving there was something that made him feel a bit uncomfortable about art, and that is the fact of perceiving that in this country, in general terms, decoration and art tend to be scarce in terms of color, which clashes with his Caribbean origin, where color and vitality are fundamental factors. Additionally, his dissatisfaction with the type of jobs he had obtained until now after emigrating, led him to look for a leisure activity and peace of mind, so as a catharsis, he decided to return to art during his free time, which he had not practiced since his early adolescence. Since then, he began to paint works in acrylic paint on canvas, and also digital art through Photoshop, obtaining works of art that reflect the world from a different point of view, original, with great color, joy and optimism, which he decided to sign under the pseudonym “Mölin”.

Macaws Selfie
Macaws Selfie
Magical & Enchanting
Magical & Enchanting
Elephant family
Elephant family
Sunset in the Tribe
Sunset in the Tribe
Guadalupe's Virgin
Guadalupe's Virgin
The beloved Land of the Sun
The beloved Land of the Sun
The Heaven Branch
The Heaven Branch
Western Country Band
Western Country Band
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