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Community Artist Partnership Application Example

Community/Artist Partnership Grant

1. Describe the project, concept, and purpose.:
This project works with individuals who are currently or formerly homeless to capture elements of the city that they see every day through photography. I am partnering with The Curbside Chronicle magazine at the Homeless Alliance. I will partner with these individuals to tour OKC, as they know it, teaching them how to capture images and taking pictures side-by-side. Individuals who have experienced homelessness have an intimate look at our city that I want to share with the public. Many people see our city through glass as they drive by, or they only see select locations where they eat and shop. This project allows a person to see another side of OKC through the eyes of someone who lives on the streets. These photographs would offer the public a glimpse into what homelessness really looks like in OKC. Many individuals rarely talk or think about this issue. By photographing homeless tent communities, shelters, and feeds we can open people’s eyes to a very real situation in OKC and empower the homeless photographers. These photographs will be exhibited at the Society Gallery during Live on the Plaza in April. All profits made from photos will go back to the homeless photographers.

2. Explain how this project will impact the community:
This will impact the Tulsa community by creating a highly accessible art experience that transforms place. The fact that it is across from the only greenspace in the neighborhood, the small and heavily-manicured Guthrie Green, is a perfect contrast to the conversation I hope to have about our collective engagement with nature. This project will impact the Oklahoma community by unifying individual knitters from towns and cities statewide who are contributing to a singular significant experience in the history of the Brady Arts District. As far as I am aware, there has been no other project like this that involves makers from the entire state.

The responses to questions below should demonstrate the applicants’ ability to complete the project.

4.1 Budget: Insert the project budget including expected expenses and revenue:
-Artist fee
-Printing and framing.
$30/picture x 50 pictures = $1,500
-Venue space at The Society Gallery.
$500 (in-kind expense)
-Snacks and drink for soft opening.

-The Curbside Chronicle at the Homeless Alliance
$1,200 match
-OVAC Grant
-Sold pictures
$75/picture (The profits will go to the individuals experiencing homelessness who took the photograph or showed me the scene to photograph. The Curbside Chronicle at the Homeless Alliance will work with these individuals to help them save the money or use it to for financial goals like housing).

4.2 Timeline. Identify major milestones through completion.
Schedule photography trips with participants by February 6, 2015.
Photography completed by March 12, 2015.
Printing, Framing, and Matting complete by April 1, 2015.
Soft gallery opening April 9, 2015.
Live on the Plaza full opening April 10, 2015.
Exhibit at the Edge in Midtown in May 2015.
Exhibit at Verbode Gallery in Automobile Alley in early June 2015.

4.3 Public Presentation: List secured or potential venues for the project, indicating those that are confirmed.
[Project Title] will be on permanent display in the Visitors Center in the lobby of the Museum of the Western Prairie in Altus, OK, a facility that is open from 10am to 5pm Tuesday through Saturday, and greets 300 to 400 visitors a month.

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