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Creative Projects Application Example

Creative Projects Grant

1. Describe the project, concept, and purpose:
When visiting The Chicago Field Museum; we turned a corner to see a wall full of Kachina dolls and my son exclaimed, “They had super heroes too!” This observation through his eyes lead me to the idea of “Native American Superheroes”.

I will create a series of 4 to 7 sculptures that are my Native American Superheroes. The figures will be 8 to 9 inches, using a range of materials resin, cast glass, bronze, and ceramics.

Some of the figures would be single sculptures of the superhero as their personas. Others grouped into scenarios, interacting to convey traditional and contemporary mythology as well as misconceptions about the Native Americans both from a Native and non-Native perspective.

I want my sculptures to bring more awareness to subjects such as blood quantum’s, historical inaccuracies, Indian Boarding Schools, broken treatises, increases in dropout and suicide rates as well as in diabetes and heart disease and our Indian casinos earning revenue using our tribal histories to sell illusions.

Being Native American and white I grew up in a time when it was not fashionable to be Native American. I understand some things have changed but how much?

2. Describe how this project is a distinctive opportunity or career altering for you.:
For the past two years, I have dedicated myself to a greater understanding of my materials (metals/plating, bone, minerals/crystals and paper media) and their technical applications as they pertain to sculpting ambitions. In 2014 I was offered an exhibit at a gallery in Tulsa, OK; 108 Contemporary. This opportunity will allow me to present my work to a targeted audience in a venue which focuses exclusively in contemporary craft. My intention is to utilize the portfolio of works which I create for the upcoming exhibit to market my work to venues out of state which also focus in high craft. In order to rise to the next level in my career, I need to subsidize the cost of materials needed to complete these sculptures.

4.1 Budget: Insert the project budget including expected expenses and revenue.:
Design of exhibition post card invitations: $75
Design of Reception invitation and RSVP card: $125
Matting and Framing of artwork : $ 3300 (22 pieces at $150 per piece)
Audio production of voice over dialogue: $1000
Design and printing of the banner: $500
Catering for Reception: $3000
Design and production of Art Catalogue – $1000
Postage for direct mail promotion – $3000 (USPS permit and postage)
Web design – $1,000
Total Expenses: $13,000

Sponsorships: $5000
Catalogue Sales: $3000 (150 for $20)
Artwork Sales: $2000
OVAC Creative Project Grant: $1500
Artist Contribution: $500
In kind contribution – $1,000
Total Revenue: $13,000

4.1 Timeline: Identify major milestones through completion:
September 2014, plan and develop project narrative, wrote proposal.
Applied for Osage Foundation Art Funds. Notified in November, 2014 of acceptance.
December, 2014 -January 2015, developed supplies list and timeline. Researched and identified institutions and Osage tribal members who have Osage wedding coats in their collections.
February, March, and ongoing through Fall 2015, visited community members, museums, historical and community institutions to view and photograph historical Osage wedding coats. this also includes archival information pertaining to the project.
March 2015, applied to the Banff International Art Centre for an independent residency.
April, 2015, notification of acceptance to Banff.
April, 2015, applied for OVAC Creative Projects Grant
May, 4-27, 2015, residency dates in Canada.We will create the outside of coat and design the inside lining.
July-November 2015, complete the coat.
November or December 2015- tentative dates for display at the Osage Tribal Museum. Copies of our research in the form of an artists handmade book will be given to the museum for their archives.
2017- Project to be exhibited at the Sam Noble Museum, Norman,Oklahoma.

4.3 Public Presentation: List secured or potential venues for the project, indicating those that are confirmed.:
Secured and confirmed venue: IAO Exhibition scheduled September 17-October 27, 2015
Potential venues: MAINSITE Contemporary Art, Norman, OK
JRB Art at the Elms, Oklahoma City, OK (works on paper)
Living Arts, Tulsa, OK

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