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Education Assistance Application Example

Education Assistance Grant

1.1 Explain what makes this a quality educational opportunity:
The opportunity to study with Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts is ideal for me as the Director of [an Art Center] and its growing Fiber Arts Program. Our Artist in Residence has inspired me to enroll in this workshop to enhance our current programming; learn the skills to teach quality fiber arts classes based on the workshop; and obtain the exposure to new fiber arts forms and teachers present at the Surface Design Association (SDA) national conference that follows the workshop.

1.2 Describe why the training/conference/study trip is right for you and your artistic practice:
CAMAC is a recognized international artist residency that seeks to bring artists of all disciplines from all over the world to the program for a concentrated period. It supports a creative environment that encourages communication and exchange between the participants and staff. I want to do this residency now because it will help elevate and advance my professional growth as an artist and propel me towards my goals in graduate school and beyond.

2.1 Budget: Insert the project budget including expected expenses and revenue.:
Conference registration $370
Room and board $280
Transportation (flight) $505
Total: $1155

OVAC Grant: $500
Artist Contribution: $655
Total: $1155

2.2 Timeline: Identify major milestones through completion.
September 2, 2014 arrive in France
September 2, 2014 residency begins
September 3-4 prepare and plan site of work to be completed
September 5- 30 complete project
September 30, 2014 residency ends
October 1, 2014 return to United States

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